Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chaos & Productivity

I brought John David lunch today and stayed a few hours working on the new KIDS building as well as painting the props for the new sermon series which starts Sunday. Since John David & Pastor Joey are so busy working on the new building I figured the more I could do to help with the props the less they have to worry about!

Once I left church I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things (I typically avoid Wal-Mart but they have things you just have to have!) There I purchased several packs of $.25 crayons (perfect for Operation Christmas Child boxes), a water bath canner, a pack of wide mouth pint Mason jars and a 5-quart bucket of Mayfield Neapolitan ice-cream! (It's much cheaper to buy Mayfield ice-cream in a 5-quart bucket and Wal-Mart is the only place that carries it!) After Wal-Mart I went to Aldi and picked up staples (sugar, milk, sour cream, butter) and ended up spending $24 adds up fast some weeks!!

When I got home I unloaded the car, played with the dog, and then went out to the garden to see what treasures awaited me! My corn is looking great, several of my cantaloupes are getting riper, my cherry tomatoes look great, and my green beans were ready for picking.
Green beans!!! (The old 5-quart Mayfield buckets are perfect for use in the garden!!)

I snapped the green beans and then boiled water and put them in there for 3 minutes. I then took them out and put them in ice-cold water for about 5 minutes and then in my colander to get rid of excess moisture. I froze 3- 1 1/2 cup bags of green beans!!

Snapped and ready to be blanched so I can freeze them!

While I was working on the green beans I was also busy in the kitchen. I had a sink full of dishes from yesterday that needed to be washed and then I made chocolate chip cookies to bring to church tomorrow to share and Stir-Fry for dinner. After attempting to do those tasks at the same time my kitchen was an absolute disaster!

I don't think it's ever been this bad!!

An hour later order was restored and my kitchen once again is back to normal!! I often say that the kitchen is the best room in the house because everything has a specific place and you can go in there, make a huge mess (which I do when I cook), spend 30 minutes to an hour cleaning and it looks perfect once again with everything in its place! I wish the other rooms in my house were like the kitchen!! :)


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