May 27, 2006
Our wedding was not typical at all because we weren't too concerned about the wedding!! We were young, very much in love, and firmly believed that it is more important to "plan a marriage and not a wedding." With that in mind we wanted a very small, inexpensive, intimate wedding where we could share the love of Jesus and the beauty of marriage!
We kept it simple and only had two attendants each. My sister, Rebekah, and John David's sister, Jill, were my bridesmaids.
My sister and me!
John David and Jill!
John David and his groomsmen (isn't this picture cute??) Casey was John David's best friend from high school and Adam served with him on a state officer team!
John David's former youth pastor, David, was the preacher for our wedding.
I can't share our wedding without sharing this story. John David was the ring bearer in David and LeAnn's wedding when he was 6 years old (they were living in East Tennessee at the time...where they are from)! At the time of our wedding, David was serving at a church in northern Middle Tennessee. In 2007 he became the Connections Pastor at a church in southern Middle Tennessee and in 2008 we moved to the same town with John David's job & we joined his church! Wow...what a God thing! But, it gets better!! On January 1 of this year John David went on staff as the Media Director at our church!! So, they are both over 200 miles from home and serving at the same church! Their family is like family especially since we don't have family near!
As I mentioned we wanted to keep our ceremony about God and the beauty of marriage. We had a time of worship and sang Be Thou My Vision and Holy Ground. Then we knelt at the alter and had our close friends and family pray for us and our marriage.
This picture of us praying is such a beautiful memory of our wedding.
After the prayer we sat down and David preached! With the ceremony and the sermon I believe we had probably one of the longest weddings ever!
We wrote our own vows . I love to read back over them and am glad we decided to share our hearts with each other during our ceremony.
Then we were pronounced man & wife and shared our first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. John David Boreing!
This is another special glimpse into our day. We are so blessed to still have our grandparents with us! All 8 of our grandparents were at our wedding. That is not something that happens very often and I am so happy that we have a picture with us, our parents, and grandparents.
Our wedding was wonderful but our marriage is even better!