Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Basement Update

A few weeks ago I posted about my Basement in Need of Organization. I have spent some time in the basement getting some things done!

My basement to-do list:
*Bring doors upstairs
*Paint the walls
*Sweep and mop basement floor
*Purge "stuff"
*Go through toys & organize
*Organize tools & car stuff & put in garage
*Organize laundry area
*Put up shelves for the stuff we are going to keep

In this corner are the tools and other "garage" things. We haven't decided how to organize it in the garage!

Here is the "stuff." I went through it and organized it into camping things, hunting things, Christmas things, toys, etc.

The laundry area & clean corner!

The corner that we are planning on putting shelves on to organize our things.

Here is what is left on my to-do list:
*Paint the walls
*Mop basement floor
*Go through toys & organize
*Organize tools & car stuff & put in garage
*Organize laundry area
*Put up shelves for the stuff we are going to keep

Our goal is to have everything done by the end of April! I think we will be able to get everything done but we are definitely not looking forward to painting the walls!


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