This morning my sweet husband let me sleep in which was absolutely wonderful! I am so thankful for such an amazing man who goes to work every day and allows me to stay home ungrudgingly. How God has blessed me with a man like this! These were the thoughts on my heart this morning.
Then after breakfast I found out that another person I know is getting divorced. In the past few months John David and I have known several friends and acquaintances from our hometowns that have separated or have gotten divorces. It hurts my heart every time I hear of this because that is not what marriage is about and not what God wants. I was so hurt this morning that I knew that I could only turn to God for comfort and assurance.
I have been reading the Psalms lately and today I found Psalm 136.
Psalms 136 (The Message)
Thank God! He deserves your thanks.
His love never quits. Thank the God of all gods,
His love never quits. Thank the Lord of all lords.
His love never quits.Thank the miracle-working God,
His love never quits.
The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
His love never quits. The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations,
His love never quits.The God who filled the skies with light,
His love never quits.The sun to watch over the day,
His love never quits.Moon and stars as guardians of the night,
His love never quits.The God who struck down the Egyptian firstborn,
His love never quits.And rescued Israel from Egypt's oppression,
His love never quits.Took Israel in hand with his powerful hand,
His love never quits.
Split the Red Sea right in half,
His love never quits.Led Israel right through the middle,
His love never quits.Dumped Pharaoh and his army in the sea,
His love never quits.The God who marched his people through the desert,
His love never quits.Smashed huge kingdoms right and left,
His love never quits.Struck down the famous kings,
His love never quits.Struck Sihon the Amorite king,
His love never quits.Struck Og the Bashanite king,
His love never quits.Then distributed their land as booty,
His love never quits.Handed the land over to Israel,
His love never quits.God remembered us when we were down,
His love never quits.Rescued us from the trampling boot,
His love never quits.Takes care of everyone in time of need.
His love never quits.Thank God, who did it all!
His love never quits!What a comfort to know that no matter what happens on this earth that
God's love never quits! And in a marriage if both partners are committed to each other and most importantly committed to God and seeking him that God will never allow their love for each other to quit. I can't imagine how God's heart much ache when his followers choose to abandon their marriage.
He created marriage and with God at the center of the marriage it will succeed!
His love never quits!